Department of
Attention, since 1/9/2019 the website of the Department is:
Personal details
Place and Date of Birth: Athens, 05.01.1953
Current position:
Professor and Head of Department at the Technological Educational Institution (TEI) of Athens, Department of Biomedical Engineering, (Lab: Ionizing and non-ionizing Radiations and Imaging Systems)
Agiou Spyridonos, Aigaleo, 122 10, Athens, Greece, Telephone number: +30210- 5385387, +30210-5385375
Member of many International Scientific Societies (AAPM, EAR etc)
First degree: Physics. (University of Patras, 1977), Postgraduate degree: DEA: Physique Radiologique et Médicale (Université «Paul Sabatier»-Toulouse III, 1978), Doctorate degree: Doctorat de Physique Radiologique et Médicale (Université «Paul Sabatier»-Toulouse III, 1981)
Teaching experience:
Radiation Physics, Medical Physics, General Physics, Medical Imaging Systems Instrumentation (under-graduate and post-graduate level // Technological Educational Institution of Athens, «Euelpidon" Military School, University of Crete, University of Patras (Postgraduate course), University of Thessaly, University of Athens in collaboration with TEI-Athens (Postgraduate course).
Research and Scientific Activities
Areas of research:
1. Medical Imaging Detectors: scintillator and phosphor materials evaluation for application in detectors of x-ray and gamma-ray medical imaging systems (Experimental and theoretical methods)
2. Monte Carlo simulation methods in Physics of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
3. Evaluation of medical imaging systems using objective image quality metrics (Experimental and theoretical methods applied in Digital Radiology and in Portal Imaging - Radiation Therapy)
4. Non-ionizing radiations applications (Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ultrasonic Imaging)
Scientific Publications:
85 original papers in peer reviewed international scientific journals ( Med Phys, Phys Med Biol, Eur Radiol, Appl Phys A & B, IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, Nucl Instr Meth Phys Res A&B, Appl Rad Isot, Rad Meas, Eur J Radiol, Phys Med etc).// 120 original publications in international scientific conference proceedings and conference abstract books. // 3 Text Books in Greek language (Physics of Diagnostic Radiology, Physics of Nuclear Medicine, Physics of MRI).// 250 citations to published work (excluding self-citations). // Reviewer in scientific journals: in 9 journals (European Radiology, Medical Physics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Physica Medica, Optical Materials, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy etc)
Doctorate supervision: Member in 10 supervising committees
Post-doctoral research coordination: in 1 post-doctoral project
Research projects: 10 scientific research projects (coordinator in 2)
Member of conference committees-session chairman-invited speaker in many international conferences // Evaluator in many scientific research and educational proposals for the Greek Ministry of Education (EPEAEK framework) // Examiner and supervisor for the Greek scholarships foundation-IKY (for postgraduate students and doctorate candidates)
Professional and training experience
1. 251 General Airforce Hospital-Athens, Greece (Depts. of Diagnostic Radiology, Ultrasound, Computed Tomography), 2. "Aretaieion" University General Hospital-Athens, Greece (Depts. of Nuclear Medicine and Radiation Therapy), 3. Regional University General Hospital of Crete/Herakleion, Greece (Dept of Diagnostic Radiology).
E-mail: kandarakisuniwa